Tuesday, September 29, 2015

AGENDA 9/28 - 10/2

Monday: Project was due today!! Worked on lesson 2: "Using the Number Line to Model the Addition of Integers". No homework.

Tuesday: Finished lesson 2. H/W: worksheet

Wednesday: Start lesson 3: "Understanding Addition of Integers"

Thursday: Continue with lesson 3 

Friday: Flashcards and continue with lesson 3 practice
**We will have our first Q1 math facts quiz on Friday, October 16th.**

A great resource if you are struggling with any topic in math is Kahn Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/ 

**If you don't want to actually register, when you get to the page, hover over the word "subjects" on the left hand side of the screeen, and just type in the topic you are struggling with to bypass registering.**

Monday, September 21, 2015

AGENDA 9/21 - 9/25

**This week we are starting with our new Math program, called Eureka Math. It is almost like we will have a textbook! To stay organized, we are asking that all students get a 1 inch binder by Friday or bring in $1 and Mrs. Darragh can buy you one. **

**Start Integer Unit**

Monday: Math minutes #3, Integer Pre-Test, Coordinate plane worksheet. 
Tuesday: Start lesson 1: "Opposite Quantities Combine to Make Zero" and play integer game.
Wednesday: Word problem 4, finish lesson 1. H/W: worksheet, (period 1/2 needs to finish notes #2-5 as well)
Thursday: POD, check h/w, play addend game and introduce comic strip. H/W: start thinking of comic strip ideas.  If you want Mrs. Darragh to buy you a binder, the money is due today!
Friday: Flashcards, work on comic strip, incentives. H/W: Comic strip due Monday!

Monday, September 14, 2015

AGENDA 9/14 - 9/18

This week we are still going to be working on our basic skills. We will do interventions with those students that did poorly on the reference sheet test. We also took a pre-test on adding and subtracting integers using a number line, and another pre-test on real-world rational number application. These pre-tests are not for a grade. It is just to get baseline data on the students. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

AGENDA 9/7 - 9/11

Monday: Labor Day ~ No School
Tuesday: Review of basic math facts ~ Open House from 6:30pm - 8pm
Wednesday: Review of basic math facts, H/W: study for test tomorrow
Thursday: Basic math facts Test
Friday: Practice with the coordinate plane by playing battleship

Remember~ You should be doing flashcards every night until you master your facts! Our goal is to use a calculator as little as possible!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Join Remind 101 to get class updates several times a week. Parents this is especially good for you so you know when your child has homework, quizzes and tests! Learn more about it here:

You can get the Remind 101 App or just go through email. 

1st/2nd Period:
To receive messages via text, text @p1a2 to 81010. Or to receive messages via email, send an email to p1a2@mail.remind.com.

3rd/4th Period:
To receive messages via text, text @p3a4 to 81010. Or to receive messages via email, send an email to p3a4@mail.remind.com.

8th/9th Period:
To receive messages via text, text @p8a9 to 81010. Or to receive messages via email, send an email to p8a9@mail.remind.com.

AGENDA 8/31 - 9/4

*This week we will continue to go over long division. 
*We will also review adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with decimals. 
*Then we will move on to fractions, how to use a number line and the coordinate plane later in the week.

Tuesday: Decimal Worksheet
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Fraction Worksheet
Friday: None

Long Division Games

